What is one thing 50 local vendors all have in common? All will convene in Union Square Sunday, June 24, for the third annual Union Made, an outdoor craft spectacular. Their unique, handmade pieces will be splayed out for the public’s interest. As a side dish, the fair also features live acoustic music, demonstrations, hands-on activities, play tattoos, knot-tying and other fun adventures.
Participating vendors come from all different styles. Sarah-Maria will show off her color-bursting clothing. Witch City Wicks will display their collection of soy candle products. k.o’brien Jewelry will present their sleek, glossy medallions, earrings, and necklaces. And that only nudges into the surface of what’s to be expected. Making the rounds, one ought to find plenty of summertime gifts for themselves and for their overheated loved ones.
But this isn’t just simply about purchasing some of the finest local crafts available. It’s also a bit of a party. A number of bands have been tapped to play unplugged while the shoppers shop. Man Alive!, Lady Pilot and Old Hat, among others, are set for the soundtrack. See what the creative hands of the neighborhood have been working on all winter and enjoy the sunlight. Union Made runs from noon—6 p.m.


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